

This is an <h1>

This is an <h2>

This is an <h3>

This is an <h4>

This is an <h5>
This is an <h6>

They're created by starting a line with 1 to 6 # and a space.

# This is an <h1>
## This is an <h2>
### This is an <h3>
#### This is an <h4>
##### This is an <h5>
###### This is an <h6>

The first heading tag in an article will not be rendered, and it'll be used for the page title instead.

Links are created in a line of their own like this:

The label for the link

=>/meta.html The label for the link

External links are automatically detected by the protocol in the url. Those links have a -> marking and open in a new tab/window by default.

External links should open in a tab ->

=>http://ogroth.com External links should open in a tab

Note that only the protocol is used for external link detection, even of the domain is the same.


* A list of items
* With more stuff here
* And another one

Lists cannot be nested. I may add it if i need it.


Paragraphs are typed like normal text. No need to escape things like ñ or >, the parser does it by itself. It can span multiple lines in the source file and they'll all be joined into a single one. There's yet no way to force a line break, but i'll add it later.

Text in bold/strong.

Text in **bold/strong**

Text in em tags.

Text in //em tags//.

Text in del tags.

Text in --del tags--.

Text in ins tags.

Text in __ins tags__.

Text in

center tags

Text in ||center tags|| 

They can be escaped with a \ to display them //like this//.

Paragraphs end whenever an empty line is found.

Pre-formatted text

This is inside a <pre> tag.
Things should be rendered as i type them here
    keeping the indent of whatever i type

And even the empty lines.

3 empty lines above...
All things that are normally escaped in <p> tags are escaped here too.

Pre-formatted text starts and ends with lines ``` on their own.

like this


Images are created just like links:

Optional alt text/description Optional alt text/description
=>site/leucer.assets/P1140037.JPG Optional alt text/description

To decide if a link is an image or not, the program checks for the file extension of the link. If it looks like an image, it's treated as such.

When an image is created, two copies of different sizes are moved to the www dir: the small/thumbnail version and the target version. The thumbnail versions are only used within Galleries.

An image without alt


An image with alt

This is the description of the image.  Cool, huh? This is the description of the image. Cool, huh?
=>site/chrone.assets/P1120151.JPG This is the description of the image.  Cool, huh?

Images in a sequence

thing thing
thing2 thing2
=>site/chrone.assets/P1120151.JPG thing
=>site/chrone.assets/P1120151.JPG thing2


Galleries show a set of images, two per row, each taking half the available space. One drawback of this setup is that images shown side by side have to have the same amount of lines as their description. If they do not, they'll misalign and it'll start showing empty cells in the grid.

=>site/chrone.assets/P1120151.JPG This is some alt text. It shouldn't skip. A two line description
=>site/chrone.assets/P1120151.JPG Well.. either all in a row have alt or none. anoter one

Ogroth.com (c) (2023)

Contacto: info@ogroth.com WhatsApp: 11-3242-9983 Mercado Libre